A galleria is a roofed or enclosed courtyard of shops and my latest project, the Indie Fixx Galleria, is an online galleria of independent artists/crafters/designers and independent boutiques. It’s a juried monthly showcase for your browsing and indie shopping pleasure. Featuring a mix of goods including jewelry, accessories, homewares, plush, clothing and more, the goods and shops featured on the Indie Fixx Galleria will change monthly. The Galleria is a showcase only and does not offer products for sale, so if you see something that you’d like to buy or get more info about, just click on the buy it or shop links.
Enjoy and please feel free to let me know what you think of this new feature!
Also, if you are an indie designer/crafter/artist or boutique that sells indie goods and would like more info about how to be a part of the monthly Indie Fixx Galleria, just send me an email. I am currently accepting applications for June.
You have the single most dangerous website on the internet. I simply cannot visit here without itching to buy things.
Seriously–I LOVE this blog. 🙂