Update on our latest kitty edition

We decided to go with the name La Niña for our new little Indie Fixx kitty. In addition to being a weather phenomenon, La Niña means the little girl in Spanish. It’s a pretty sounding name and seems to describe our kitty pretty well: she’s such an itty bitty little thing, but has such a capacity to cause a whole lot of trouble.

Thanks for all your suggestions and sharing your stories about your kitties. I really enjoyed reading all the comments that you left. 😉

One comment

  1. That’s so exciting that you got a new kitty! My kitties turn 1 today! I’m forcing myself to stay home and not run to IKEA to get one of their uber-cute cat trees. I have production work to do!

    Have a look at my blog–I’ve just written a post about the battles we’ve gone through with litter and food for the kitties. Also, IKEA has some very cute and affordable cat scratchers/trees.

    Enjoy the new little one!

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