Send me your pixx, or reader fixx day gets it!

Okay people, I know you like Reader Fixx Thursday because you tell me so and a ton of you chose it as your fave in the Reader Survey.

I’m going to be very, very blunt about this… if you want it to continue, then you must get up off those pixx you’ve been meaning to send me and send them to me pronto! As of right now, I have no Reader Fixx Pixx to feature for tomorrow and I swear it’s like pulling teeth to get you people to send them to me.

So, I’m holding Reader Fixx Thursday for ransom. If you want it to continue as a feature on Indie Fixx, send me your list of your top 5-10 indie sites by midnight or I’ll start sending you fingers in the mail.

There’s even a handy dandy form you can use.