Karalee dee, ta-da da!


If you are like me, you like a little bit of whimsy in your jewelry and accessories and the designs over at Karalee Designs are just full of whimsy. You’ll find both kitschy and cute and bold and modern designs with just a soupçon of whimsy throw in. Their designs have a je ne sais pas quality about them that I think must come all the glitter and little beads.

Offerings include necklaces, rings, hair pins, belt buckles, brooches, wrist cuffs and even the cutest pet collars ever…if only the Indie Fixx kitties would wear collars! The customizable Lulu necklace really stands out as a fabulous gift giving idea. It’s a sterling initial necklace that comes with your choice of Swarovski crystal and a Charm—charms include everything from a sewing machine, pineapple, lollipop to a fortune cookie, shamrock and a flip flop. Hint, hint, if anyone’s looking for a gift for me! 😉