This week’s indie artist fixx interview is with Laurel Denise. Laurel is a jewelry and stationary designer and maker. She primarily works with glass in her jewelry design and is inspired by the natural world in both her stationary and jewelry creations. Laurel also creates her signature inscribed glass jewelry, which I totally love and have even purchased as gifts.
Please enjoy Laurel’s interview. She is one talented & interesting indie artist.
1. What’s the name of your business and what do create and sell?
Laurel Denise. I create and sell jewelry and stationery products.
2. When did you get your start and what made you decide to take the plunge?
I started researching the various how-to’s for starting a business and developing how to make my designs in March of 2003. I had a dream one night where I was creating jewelry using glass and drills and my hand drawings and handwriting — all artistic activities I’d never even thought about! I remembered that dream in the middle of the day the next day – I was working as a government contractor at the time – the only problem was that I didn’t really know how to make that dream a reality. I’d never considered having a jewelry business or launching a website. But, as soon as I remembered that dream and how I felt, I was an obsessed gal – researching the how’s and the when’s and the even more how’s of my jewelry design idea. As soon as I felt I’d researched enough and developed my designs enough, I decided to launch a website and really get the designs out there.
3. As a seasoned pro, are there are any pearls of wisdom you can share with those indie designers who are just starting out?
As you can tell with the answer above, I’m a fan of research. When you read or listen to how other people have made their businesses successful, you will give yourself some ground to stand on. I would also say that I’ve learned that if something is going to be done correctly and the way I want, I’m ultimately responsible and should be willing to roll up my sleeves to get things done. Work hard and be dedicated and you’ll develop the business of your dreams soon enough!
4. What’s been your biggest, or one of your biggest accomplishments, so far?
I’ve reached so many of my goals, I want to pinch myself most days! My biggest accomplishments have varied from the time they’ve happened – in the beginning, I was so honored and happy that someone I didn’t know actually ordered from my website! What an honor that was. As time went on, it was a huge accomplishment to participate in my first ENK trade show. I was terrified and so uncertain, but I did it and actually made money and got such a great response! I’m going to be sold on the Uncommon Goods website this Fall and that is so huge for me. To be sold on a site I’ve been shopping on for years and years is incredible! So many honors, goals met, and accomplishments – it’s been so nice.
5. Tell us one funny/goofy/silly thing about yourself.
I’m really, really clumsy. Really. It’s bad. If there is a drink to be spilled, I’ll spill it. If there is a crack in the sidewalk, I will trip over it…etc. etc. Luckily, I’m surrounded by people who love me and laugh at my clumsy tendencies with me, so I haven’t developed a complex!
6. What’s the best thing about what you do? And the worst?
The best is setting my own schedule – by far. If I need to take a break and exercise, I can do that at 3:00 and not have to wait for the 5:00 bell to ring. Also, I get to point out my own mistakes (for the most part) – for whatever reason, it was really hard to me to hear about my mistakes in a corporate atmosphere so I’m glad to have left that behind! The worst is the pressure to support myself from money that I make from my business. There is very little consistency and for a planner like me, that’s difficult.
7. What blogs and mags do you read and what shops do you shop at? List as many as you want.
I read so many blogs a day…here are a few of my top choices:
Oh Joy!, Something Old, Something New, decor8, Ladies Who Launch, design*sponge, 3191magazines:
Blueprint, Domino, Lucky, Martha Stewartshops:
Anthropologie (mostly just for the eye candy and inspiration!)
my favorite shops are thrift and antique shops
8. Were you an artsy craftsy kid? If so, what kinds of things did you do?
I was such a crafty kid and was so lucky to have parents that supported that. I was a sensitive and semi-introverted kid (and pretty much remain that way as an adult) and I really felt I could express myself in art classes and doing creative activities.
9. What kids of things do you like to do in your spare time?
I’m an avid reader. If I could be doing anything ever, I would say I’d like to be reading!
10. What does indie mean to you? You can give a literal definition, choose to be a little esoteric or a combination of both. 😉
To me, “indie” means (obviously) not mass-market. But, on a deeper level, I think it means personal…I feel that most items created and designed by independent artists are just so personal. Not just that the artist is making them and putting a touch of their personality or preferences into the design, but that the artist is actually putting something that they treasure and love out there for the world to see and hopefully purchase and love themselves.
11. What are you reading, watching and listening to?
I’m currently reading “The Confessions of Max Tivoli” by Andrew Sean Greer. I just finished “Three Junes” by Julie Glass and loved it! I read about a book every other week. Love to read. I’m listening to Bethany Dillon and Sara Bareilles. I’m watching…well, not much right now because the new seasons have yet to begin but I love “Friday Night Lights”…I’d say that’s my number one can’t miss program.
12. What are your inspirations?
Feeling the seasons change, my wonderful (and so very creative) friends and family, all of the beautiful blogs I read, women business owners I’ve met along the way, favorite books and music. So many more, I could fill up a website!
13. What’s next for Laurel Denise? Any new plans or products that you want to share?
I think I will continue to explore the stationery aspect of my business a bit – developing more journals and cards. As for the jewelry, you will see some new foreign language pieces in the future and I’m going to continue to play around with the various glass pendant shapes that I offer.