The Indie Newz

Here’s some interesting indie newz for ya:

saclogo.gifCall for vendors for Indie Sacramento — 1st Annual Holiday Bizarre to be held at the YMCA Sacramento on Saturday, Dec 1 from 2-9 pm. For more info about participating, visit the vendor page.

The Hipp Benefit Shop at Etsy are looking for crafters who would like to donate items to be sold with 100% of the proceeds going to help Taryn Hipp’s sister, Jennifer, pay her medical bills after an emergency stay in the hospital. Like so many people, Jennifer is under-insured and as a single mom lives pretty close to paycheck to paycheck. Jennifer is a big help to Taryn at her MY MY, while Taryn helps Jennifer take care of her daughter. They sound like a wonderful supportive family, so let’s all pitch in a little bit and help them through this rough patch.


FYI about Wonderland Retreat, the benefit shop for Elijah Wyman’s rotten kidneys, will be closing down September 15th, so if you’ve been thinking about buying something to help out and haven’t gotten around to it, you better make it over there soon. There are some really cute donated goodies in the shop and it’s a great way to help out some deserving peeps.

cutique.gif lounge.gif

In our final newsworthy item tonight, the organizers behind I Shop Indie have created two shopping portal sites—Cutique and Loungeluxe. If you are a designer who may interested in listing your products on either site, check out their parent site.