Wednesday Indie Artist Fixx with Eleanor Grosch


On Wednesdays, I do an interview with an indie artist I admire and I call the series Indie Artist Fixx. This week I interviewed Eleanor Grosch of Pushmepullyou Design. I first discovered Eleanor’s work at the Art Star Craft Bazaar in June 2007. I was blown away by her simple and delightfully appealing design style. Eleanor mostly illustrates animals, although by no means exclusively, and there is just something about her clean lines and color combos that draw me in. She sells her screen printed art prints on her website along side her original artwork t-shirts, accessories and housewares.

You can also find Eleanor’s products at Urban Outfitters, My Favorite Mirror, and Blue Bottle Gallery. Eleanor has even designed a line of Ked’s.

Eleanor got her start designing posters for local bands after college and when her designs grew in popularity, she created Pushmepullyou Design. She is available for freelance design work and her portfolio can be found here.

Here is Eleanor in her own words.


1. What’s the name of your business and what do create and sell?

Pushmepullyou Design creates and sells hand printed art prints, t-shirts, and housewares.

2. How and why did you get your start?

i got my start making band posters for local shows. i’d post my work to, and that got me noticed.

3. Is there anything you can share with other indie business owners who are just taking the plunge with their own business?

learn how to budget your time and money very well. there will be some slow times in business, and you need to be prepared for that mentally and fiscally.


4. What’s the best thing about what you do? And the worst?

i’m completely responsible for my time. that’s great when i’m motivated, but when i have to work at it, it can be challenging.

5. Tell us one funny/goofy/silly thing about yourself.

i mostly work in my pjs.

6. Do you have any future plans that you would like to share?

i’m working with a licensing company to get my work into the housewares and accessories world.

7. What blogs and mags do you read and what shops do you shop at? List
as many as you want.

ohjoy blog is the best! as far as shops, i love h&m, of course, and target.

8. Were you an artsy craftsy kid? If so, what kinds of things did you do?

i was the class artist in school. i’d draw during class and then more when i got home.


9. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

black raspberry without a doubt!

10. What does indie mean to you? You can give a literal definition, choose to be a little esoteric or a combination of both. 😉

sometimes i think of it as an overly hip sort of thing, but mostly i like to think of it as purely what it is, independent.

11. What are your inspirations?


12. What you are doing new that you want everyone to know about?

a new series of andes inspired prints. i just got back from a trip to south america

13. How did you come up with your name?

the Pushmepullyou is Dr.Dolittle’s two-headed llama.



  1. I love how El has branched out, her designs work so well on different mediums and objects, especially clothing and accessories!! great post!

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