Help a crafter in need…

Alison, Sampler helper extraordinaire and the crafter behind wonderland q (which was just recently featured on Indie Fixx), has had to have emergency surgery. She is okay and recovering nicely, but like so many self-employed artists and designers she has no health insurance. As someone who went many years without health insurance, including my own stay in the hospital, I know how stressful it can be with the medical bills stacking up. It’s also a really sad fact in this country that many uninsured people end up paying more for services than those who have insurance.

If you’d like to help out, donations can be made via Paypal to info AT auroraseven DOT com. Just so you know, Alison is not behind this donation campaign. Her friends, coworkers, and those who just want to help a fellow crafter in need are behind this push for Alison. No contribution is too small or too big… 😉 If you’d like more info, Marie of the Sampler and Susie of Boy Girl Party are posting updates.