After seeing the disturbing PETA video of Australian sheep being mistreated and reading about inhumane practices at Save the Sheep, I’ve been on the lookout for animal-friendly sources of wool yarn. Most of the time I am content with synthetic yarn, but when I what to do a felting project, of course, nothing but wool will work. Homestead Wool and Gift Farm is an animal-friendly farm that raises their own sheep and goats and even prepares their own yarn. They take in rescued sheep and humanely care for them for the remaining length of their lives. They don’t breed their animals, so as not to end up with more than they can handle, and treat them like part of the family. Plus, they have some really amazing yarn! My favorite is Nightshade, but make sure to look around and see if you can find something for your next project. They also sell fiber and wool if you like to spin your own.