Let’s Go to Bed With Some Amazing Design

I know that I have posted before of my dislike for busy patterns on my bedding—I absolutely cannot take overpowering patterns of any kind on my sheets and I prefer plain ones to patterned. As a result, I am always on the lookout for soothing and relaxing bedding patterns that are not visually boring. My latest find is Amenity, the textile design company founded by Nicole Chiala and Kristina de Corpo. In the overly busy-patterned world of bedding, the pair has come up with striking and design pleasing patterns. I love the various botanical duvet covers—the peacock colored Drift, the cocoa Leaf, the ebony Dragonfly, and the cream Wildflower. The pair also offers the striking botanical bags. Sometimes in my capacity as a design aficionado, I come across designs that are so enchanting that they make me shiver with their sheer beauty and overwhelming grace and the designs of Amenity fall into that category.


  1. I am in love with these comforters, but do you have any in the twin bedding size, my daughter wants a more “indie” style room and this would be perfect!

  2. Thanks! I am seriously asking for this for Christmas. My mother-in-law never knows what to get us and it is way easier to just send her a link. I think she appreciates it too.

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