Get Clean with Lab Seven Apothecary

The next featured September Sampler contributor is Lab Seven Apothecary.

When I first opened my Sampler I was hit with the most wonderful smell– I had to tear through it to discover what it was that smelled so divine. I finally discovered that it was the White Tea and Ginger Soap made by Lab Seven Apothecary. It has a clean, fresh, slightly flowery smell and I can’t wait to try my sample out in the shower.

I’ve tried other Lab Seven products in the past. I really like Tuberose Moss Aromatic Jar. This may be TMI, but I have several kitties and as anyone with kitties knows, it is a struggle sometimes to keep your home smelling fresh. I put the Tuberose Moss Aromatic Jar in the laundry room where the litter pan is kept, and no matter what the kitties did in there all I smelled was scent from the jar. Works better than candles or any of those products you buy with harsh chemicals.

Be sure to check out Lab Seven Apothecary’s other bath & body and room fragrance products.